BB霜是Blemish Balm的简称,"伤痕保养霜"。当初的研发是为了提供给雷射治疗的人来使用。一般人雷射后会出现剥皮或脱皮的状态。因此涂抹之后,会让皮肤再生。不只修饰伤疤,更有保养的功能!后来韩国的皮肤科引进之后,造成相当高的询问度,因此韩国就进而研发更适合东方人肤质使用的BB cream,这也使得BB cream在韩国造成大轰动!BB cream同时具备了打底霜、霜状粉底及保养品的功能,可谓助肌肤重生的"多功能全效美容修饰霜"。不仅有保养成分,你还可以将它当成隔离霜、日霜、晚霜来使用!它的纯植物性成份,会给肌肤带来多重营养的保护之外,更不会伤害到敏感的肌肤。非常多的韩国女星都是爱用者。因此你在韩剧上看到的裸妆女星,其实都是有这个强大的秘密武器在背后撑腰!
What is BB cream?
BB cream stands for 'blemish balm' cream, which is said to provide excellent coverage as foundation as well to regenerate skin.It appears that BB cream was originally formulated as an after treatment cream for those undergoing laser surgery and soon become popular among Korean celebrities.
This natural cream for delicate sensitive skin has the ability to cover irregularities on the skin as well as soften skin texture. The result of the BB cream is amazing. The skin tone would appear more radiant and most of the blemishes on the face looked less obvious. Some users commented that it helps to control excessive facial oil and improved skin texture overtime.